
Tuesday 18 September 2012

Roadside Picnic

Incoming... English Heretic will be supporting Mithras on Saturday 29th September at Ryan's Bar on Church Street in Stoke Newington. It'll be a warm up for the AGM, albeit played in a heavier idiom, mainly of new material for the next album. Hope to see you there from about 8pm.

Monday 17 September 2012

Eerie Anglia At 2012 AGM

Exciting addition to the English Heretic 2012 AGM...

Mark Fisher will be performing a musique-concrete invocation of the barbarous names of Capitalism as part of the Eerie Anglia Project, with location recordings taken at Felixstowe container port... England Is The Alien Planet...

more details and tickets here:

Wednesday 5 September 2012

Vaughan To Lose

Coming soon, your favourite comic book Anti-Heroes of Slough And The M4 Corridor

English Heretic is "Vaughan To Lose..."